Boost your Facebook business page in  8 easy ways

Boost your Facebook business page in 8 easy ways

1. Change your Facebook cover occasionally. Use it to promote special offers, events, products and services with an eye catching branded image or you can now upload videos.

2. Facebook posts with less than 50 characters tend to receive higher engagement, always have at least one image but it is better to have a few or a video. 

3. Always have a link to content on your website or blog for people to click. Include @mentions and #hashtags in your posts but not too many, this can make your reach wider than without them.

4. Allow users to share content from everywhere else on the internet to their facebook page/profile. Make sure your have links to all your social media profiles on your website for people to easily share your posts and like your page.

5. Schedule your posts for the optimal time, usually around 8-9 in the evening. You can check this by going to your Facebook 'insights' page and look at the posts to see what times most users are online.

6. Make sure your posts are relevant to your customers, posts about industry news, case studies, customer reviews, products and services are great ways to promote your business without always selling.

The more engagement you get the wider your audience becomes, there is no point in pushing for likes when only 10 people see your posts. It is more important for people to see your business.

7. Facebook Competitions are a great way to promote your business BUT you must stick to Facebook's guidelines.

8. Being responsive to incoming messages from customers is an essential part of good customer service. Facebook allows your to display a badge on your page with how responsive you are. You can add an automated message that will send to anyone that messages you which can improve this but you still need to respond quickly to keep this at a high level.

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Posted by By Jenny on 14th Jan 2018

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