Raise funds with Calendars: Our top tips

Raise funds with Calendars: Our top tips

Printed calendars are a versatile and effective way to raise funds for your organization. They make great gifts for friends, family, and supporters, and they can be sold to generate revenue. Whether you're a non-profit organization, a school, or a community group, printed calendars can help you achieve your fundraising goals.

If you're looking for wall calendar printers or a graphic design designer to help you create your calendar, there are plenty of options available. Many printers near you offer custom calendar printing services, and there are also online printing companies that specialize in calendar printing. Here are our top tips for raising funds with calendars:

  • Choose a theme The first step in creating a successful calendar is choosing a theme. Think about the interests of your target audience and consider what kind of images and information will appeal to them. For example, if you're a wildlife conservation group, you might create a calendar featuring photos of endangered species. If you're a school, you might create a calendar featuring photos of students participating in different activities throughout the year.
  • Use high-quality images The quality of the images in your calendar can make a big difference in how well it sells. Make sure to use high-resolution images that are clear and vibrant. If you're not confident in your photography skills, consider hiring a professional photographer to take the photos for your calendar.
  • Include important dates Calendars are not just decorative; they also serve a practical purpose. Make sure to include important dates, such as holidays and special events, in your calendar. This will make it more useful for your supporters, and it will also increase the likelihood that they will keep it on display throughout the year.

  • Consider different sizes and formats Wall calendars are a popular choice, but there are other formats to consider as well. Desk calendars and pocket calendars can also be effective fundraising tools. Additionally, you may want to offer your calendar in different sizes to appeal to different budgets and preferences.
  • Set a reasonable price When setting the price for your calendar, it's important to strike a balance between affordability and profitability. Make sure to factor in the cost of printing and any other expenses associated with creating the calendar. You may also want to consider offering discounts for bulk purchases or early orders to incentivize people to buy.
  • Promote your calendar Once your calendar is ready, it's time to start promoting it. Use social media, email, and other marketing channels to let people know about your calendar and why they should buy it. Consider partnering with other organizations or influencers to help spread the word. You can also host a launch event or create a video to showcase your calendar and its theme.

  • Use the calendar to tell your story A calendar is more than just a collection of photos and dates; it's an opportunity to tell your organization's story. Use the calendar to highlight your achievements, showcase your impact, and share your mission. This will help create a stronger emotional connection between your supporters and your organization, and it may also encourage them to donate or get involved in other ways.

Printed calendars are a powerful fundraising tool that can help your organization achieve its goals. By following these tips, you can create a calendar that is both visually appealing and financially successful. Remember to choose a compelling theme, use high-quality images, include important dates, offer different sizes and formats, set a reasonable price, promote your calendar, and use it to tell your organization's story. With the right approach, a printed calendar can be a valuable asset for any fundraising campaign.

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Posted by By Jenny on 28th Apr 2023

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